pewdiepie raised money for Child Labor in India !
pewdiepie raised 200,000$ / 1.5 crore rupee for CRY India charity in a day !
pewdiepie don't hate india and raised 200,000$ / 1.5 crore rupee for CRY India charity in a day
full story:
The most subscribed youtuber pewdiepie was going back and forth with a indian music company T-series for few month on the position of most subscribed youtuber/youtube channel on youtube .this youtube drama was going for too long and some indian youtuber was posting against pewdiepie thinking that the impression he (pewdiepie) makes for defeating t series . he disrespecting the whole country and many of them saying pewdiepie hiding his hate for the country behind meme and sarcasm and they are making it like india vs west thing .which is definitely not true said by pewdiepie and thats why he raising money for children in india .showing that he has no hate for india.
he turned the youtube drama into positive thing by donating .and its not like india vs any other country.people who thinking who subbed to pewdiepie hate india saw that those people were donating to india couple of them (notch and markiplier) donated 10,000$ or 71,000 rupee. and pewdiepie thanked them in his recent video .
People also saying that's a publicity stunt.
this changed the face of pewdiepie in front of some indian youtubers.
thats conclude the story
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